Get Outside Your Box!

A couple of weeks ago, I had a dream.  In the dream I was looking down at what looked like a room with a person (me) inside it.  It had no doors, no windows, and no ceiling.  I began to move around, viewing the “room” from different angles, and realized it was not a room, but a box.  I heard a voice say, You need to tear down these walls.  They are your defenses.  It’s time to step outside your safe place.” 
I meditated on this for a while.  It’s no coincidence that our Pastor gave a Word during a service around this time from the Lord where He said, “If I can get you to step outside your own mind, I can do something with you.” 
My friend, our very thought patterns can be a defense, a safe place for you.  Life President Reagan told Gorbachev, its time to tear down these walls!  The enemy of our souls will use our very thoughts against us to steal, kill, and destroy your destiny in the Lord and your inheritance of an abundant life.  As you begin to transform and renew your mind, you will begin to recognize thought patterns that hold you back, keep you spinning in place, and preventing forward movement in your spiritual growth.  Your guide, Holy Spirit, will begin to show you events from your past, in conjunction with your present circumstances,  that keep you repeating destructive patterns in your life.  If you keep spinning around a mountain at the same altitude, you will never reach the peak! 
How do you begin to recognize your thoughts are destructive?  Journal them.  Write them down.  Follow this filter from God’s Word:

 Finally, brethren, whatever things are true, whatever things are noble, whatever things are just, whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely, whatever things are of good report, if there is any virtue and if there is anything praiseworthy—meditate on these things. The things which you learned and received and heard and saw in me, these do, and the God of peace will be with you.  Philippians 4:8-9 NJKV

They need to be TRUE, NOBLE, JUST, PURE, LOVELY, GOOD REPORT, HAVE VIRTUE, PRAISEWORTHY.  In other words, encouraging, edifying, uplifting and positive and loving.  If they don’t line up with that, cast them out of your mind because they are from the accuser of the brethren, the enemy of our soul. 

Spend time in God’s Word.  Meditate on key scriptures according to your present circumstances.  If you need to improve your health, write down scriptures to do with health and healing.  If you are suffering a loss, look up scriptures for peace and comfort and strength.  Our Bible is God’s roadmap for getting through this life until we reach our eternal home with Him. 

Worship!  You can praise and worship at home with the radio, videos on YouTube, CD’s, music channels on satellite TV or computer, or in your car while driving.  We’re aren’t limited to Sunday and Wednesday!  Worship should be part of our everyday life anyway! 

Praise Him!  Praise Him for what He has done in the past, what He is doing now, and in advance for what He will do in the future! He is worthy of ALL our praise!  A good place to start- waking up in the morning!

Go to church.  This is so important!  We gain our strength from the Body.  Being with a body of believers is an encouragement in itself.  There is always strength in numbers.  There is a time to recharge your spiritual batteries, and being in assembly with other believers is that re-charging time.  It encourages and edifies you spirit, soul, and body.  I have said many times I need church like the air I breathe!  I can’t do without it!

Believe.  Call what is not (at the present) as though it were.  Speak what you need, confess it, and believe it, and apply it like you already have it.  I can hear you saying…how can apply something you don’t presently have?  If you are expecting rain, you carry an umbrella when you go out, right?  If you are going on vacation during the summer, you prepare for it by booking your reservation, checking out the local attractions, save your money for expenses, plan your route for driving, etc.  In short, PREPARE FOR RAIN! 

Watch your life change!  It won’t be automatic.  Nothing worth having ever is.  It’s hard work, but it will build your spiritual muscles and increase your faith and trust in Him.  You will ultimately have whatever you desire! 

Pray.  Prayer is not a ceremonial religious ritual.  It’s conversation with your Father.  Speak to Him your thoughts, concerns, needs, feelings.  Spend some quiet time and listen. He will speak to you in His still, small voice and tell you things, show you events from your past and present that will guide you through your day into your tomorrow. 

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